11 Jun 2003

Sandy Mouche EP (III): Matador

Aftonbladet has chosen Sandy Mouche's Matador as one of the best songs by new Swedish bands. Its lyrics, written by Martinique (Martin Nilsson), are againgst bullfighting.

2003.06 Sandy Mouche, by Aftonbladet

Matador: He sleeps alone.
He can´t see right from wrong.

Matador: He thinks he's strong.
He thinks he's number one.

He killed the bull. He killed the bull.
Matador: He sees the crowd.
Their cheeings make him proud.

Matador: Why can´t you see
your pride´s a dirty deed

He killed the bull. He killed the bullBulls running by but you can´t run away this time.
Bulls running by
but you can´t hide yourself this time.

It reveals your crime

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